Congregation Zemach David Under Construction


Congregation Zemach David in New Square NY is under construction, getting more impressive, more solid, more real every day. The structure is up and the concrete block is complete. Since we started in July 2020 we have patiently shepherded this massive building's growth.

Senior Associate, Jeff Moos, has personally reviewed every piece of steel, every corner and detail: the credit for this remarkable building goes largely to him. His attention to detail, his even-keeled, patient demeanor, and his dogged commitment to quality has laid the groundwork for the completion of the core and shell of this building. Window installation is underway, stone cladding starts any day. 

Project manager, Saul Levin from Lehrer Cumming Consultants, and the team at McGowan Construction have been our partners in this endeavor, along with Owais Ahmad at ADG Engineers and David Glickman at GEA Engineers round out this remarkable core team, with additional consultants and contributors. 

To learn more about the work we do for synagogues and communities of faith, click here!


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