Riverdale Jewish Center

Originally built in 1958 and expanded in 1992, the Riverdale Jewish Center was an all-purpose community building, with a synagogue, auditorium, school and gym all blended into a single Modernist building. Since 2010 Building Studio Architects has been responsible for a series of renovations and improvements.

A culmination of this work is the renovated public spaces. The synagogue lobby and office suite were completely redesigned, picking up on the main sanctuary’s signature cherry and brass palette; a new vestibule in the sanctuary seamlessly enhances sound control. Contemporary curved ceilings tie the lobby to the  shapes and patterns of the existing building. A new ramp and stair provide improved flow from the sanctuary into the auditorium/social hall.

A new roll-down fabric partition and TV monitors were installed to facilitate classroom functions, while the finishes and lighting were renovated to modernize the space.  The adjacent commercial kitchen was fully renovated to function as a warming pantry for synagogue functions.


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Martinique Hotel